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Score your lead data and find potential deals faster 

Our proprietary AI engine helps business owners across Real Estate, Solar and Roofing industries score leads and save over 78% in acquisition costs

Lead Scored


Mailers Saved


Money Our Clients Saved



Lead Engagement

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Use AI-powered lead scoring to identify the leads that will actually call you back.


Save with Betty

In Cost Savings

Slice your direct mail marketing costs in half by mailing only the best prospects.


Look alike models

Your business, Accurately

Use the power of AI for lead generation to create a new list based on your ideal customer.

Trusted by hundreds
of businesses across
the US

Meet Betty: your AI companion for direct mail marketing optimization

Betty is your direct mail AI virtual assistant, and just like the social media algorithms we know, Betty uses her algorithms to identify & predict whom your best leads will be.

Betty AI lead generation
Lead scoring and lead generation

Our customers trust us

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Solarwave Innovations

“Reworked helped us cut through the noise in our data, giving us accurate real-time intent scores and helped us 3x our solar installations while also opitimizing our field sales costs by 78%.”

Jack, EPC/Installer Business


Lead Generation

Betty saves

Build a “model” of your ideal customer by feeding Betty a list of your best contacts. Use that model to buy only the leads that will call you back.

Lead Scoring

For solar installers and real estate investors

Upload a list and let Betty use public data + advanced algorithms to score each of your leads. Contact only the leads that will call you back.

Here’s what Betty, our AI, can do for you:

Not sure where to start?

Schedule a free 15 minute call and see how can transform your business.
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